Dear Crossroads Family,

We are now entering week three of the COVID-19 quarantine and our inability to meet together as a church.  This continues to be a challenging time for us, yet filled with unique opportunities to be the church.  Who is better equipped than the church to endure these times of uncertainty and to point to an unshakable and certain hope?  May God calm our own fears and give us opportunities to speak (even if not in person) of Christ.

Suspension of Services Extended

In compliance with the new federal guidelines, the state of New Mexico has extended the “Stay at Home” order through the end of April, thus extending our suspension of all corporate services and other meetings and events until after this time.  While this is certainly disappointing, we continue to believe it is both a prudent and loving course of action.  This includes the following:

  • The Easter breakfast and worship service on Sunday, April 12 have been canceled.
  • The Crossroads Emergency Preparedness Seminar scheduled for Saturday, April 18 has also been postponed until a later date.
  • The Empowered to Connect Simulcast will now be available to view in your own home at your own pace.  A link will be provided, at a later date, to those interested in this simulcast.
  • For now, the pastoral staff and office staff will continue working from the church facility (in our separate offices!).  We are available to assist you, if you have any needs.  We are not conducting in-person meetings, but are available by phone, email or video meetings.

Reminder to Give

We encourage you to remember your regular giving to the ministries of Crossroads during this season when we are not meeting or taking an offering.  You can do this by mailing a check to the church office or by using our new online giving option.  To give online, simply go to the church’s website and select the “Donate” option from the top menu bar and follow the provided instructions.  This option also includes the ability to designate missions giving, including the Great Commission Fund.  Again, we urge you not to neglect our vital missions support during this season.

Another form of “giving” includes meeting needs of others in the body.  The Care Ministry, coordinated by Hannah Schmitt, is available to assist in these efforts.  In you have a need (meals, groceries, medication pick-ups, emergency repairs) or know of someone who has a need, please contact Hannah—865.209.7914, email.

Unique Opportunity for Generosity 

When thinking about something of the scope and magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can seem overwhelming and leave us feeling at a loss when it comes to trying to imagine anything that any one of us could do to help! However, let’s pause, reflect, and then start right where God has planted each of us, in His sovereign will, and think about what we might be able to do to reach out and help those around us. It can be easy to get wrapped up in thinking about the global situation or alternatively just focus on our personal inconveniences. The Elders would like to challenge everyone in the Crossroads body to stretch in this outward focus. 

One practical suggestion in this regard has surfaced and I would like to plant the seed for each of you to think and pray about. Our federal government has recently passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which contains a provision to send direct stimulus payment to many (most) Americans. I know that everyone’s situation is different but we should recognize that most of us in our community have not been affected by job loss or pay reduction. Therefore, the Elders would like to put out a challenge for every member of our body, who is able, to consider donating their stimulus payment to our Deacon’s Fund for use in helping those around us who HAVE suffered significantly during this crisis. Our plan would be to first look for needs in our congregation, and then partner with local/regional churches that have people under their care who have been impacted. Imagine how, as a congregation, we could have a real opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ! We will follow-up with more details and thoughts about how we would administer these funds, but for now I am asking each of you give this some serious thought as we continue to see this pandemic unfold.

Recommended Resources 

During this season, lots of ministries are allowing access to their resources for free.  Tim Challies has collected a list of some of the best free resources from trustworthy ministries.  In addition, here are some of the ministries we turn to regularly for theological resources: 

1. has articles, audiovideo, and even full classes online.  They keep up to date, reporting on current issues, but also produce lots of rich, Christ-centered material that is simply aimed at providing churches with biblical and devotional material. 

2. has material from John Piper, including his sermons and writings, as well as resources from many other writers.  Some of the best material on the website is the group biographies that Piper gave at past conferences. There are also a variety of podcasts, including a daily devotional podcast, that are worth subscribing to.

3. has writings and sermons from R. C. Sproul and others.  In addition, all of their short classes, called Teaching Series, are available for free right now.  These include 30-minute to one hour teachings on a variety of topics from church history to the reliability of the Bible.

Check out this week’s video communication Crossroads Connection, Episode 2 on the church’s website. To see all the COVID-19 updates click here.  Let us know how we can continue to serve you during this time of separation.  I close by echoing Paul’s words to the Colossians: “For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ” (Col. 2:5). Amen!

Mark, on behalf of the elders