Expository Preaching

In our preaching we are committed to the clear, uncompromised exposition of Scripture. On Sunday mornings we practice expository preaching, normally verse by verse through the books of the Bible (“expository” means to explain and apply the meaning of the Bible). We aim to be exegetically rigorous and contextually faithful, teaching both the Old and New Testaments with a focus on the unfolding story-line of the Bible and its culmination in the person of Jesus Christ.


We believe that the gospel—the “good news” of salvation through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is the central message of the Bible. While as followers of Christ we will be engaged in a variety of good deeds that benefit our society, we believe the church’s primary and unique tack is to make disciples through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The focus of our ministry is the proclamation of the gospel and its application to all of life.

Reformed Theology:

We affirm the rich, biblical tradition of the Reformed faith summarized in the five “solas”: Salvation is by grace alone (sola gratia), through faith alone (sola fide), in Christ alone (solus Christus), to God’s glory alone (soli deo gloria), revealed in the Bible alone (sola scriptura). We are essentially Reformed-Calvinistic in our understanding of God’s sovereignty in general, and embrace the “doctrines of grace” that emphasize God’s sovereign grace in the salvation of sinners.


We believe that the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is the unique and primary purpose of the church in this age, and that the unique task of missions is reaching the nations (“people groups”) with the gospel. Through our connection with the Christian and Missionary Alliance as well as other mission agencies and individuals, we are committed to advancing the gospel and planting churches among the unreached peoples of the world.

Elder Leadership:

We believe that spiritual leadership in the church is to be exercised by biblically qualified men referred to in the Bible as “elders.” These men, also called “pastors” or “overseers”, are to jointly shepherd the flock of God by exercising oversight and spiritual care. Crossroads Bible Church is not governed or lead by the majority opinion of the congregation or by a single pastor but through the joint, spiritual leadership of elders.