Morning Worship Service begins at 10:30.  Sunday School for all ages is from 9:00-10:00 am.

Nursery care during the service for children ages infant through three is available.  Please check in your child with the coordinator who is located in the Nursery hallway (west side of main level).

CrossTraining classes for children Pre-K through 4th grade are offered during part of the morning service.  Children will be dismissed during the greeting time of our service.  We do not have CrossTraining classes on the 5th Sunday of any given month.

If you are unable to attend our service in person, you can watch the service through our livestream on Vimeo beginning at 10:30 am.

Click CBC Sunday Morning Livestream.

This link will remain active for following Sundays as well.

Check the latest sermon:

Abraham: Resurrection Faith or the sermon list for uploaded service videos.

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